sexta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2012

Another historical point for Ss. Trinita: The first regular weekday Mass. 254 Cardenales y Obispos han oficiado o asistido a actos litúrgicos con la Forma Extraordinaria del Rito Romano, tras la entrada en vigor del motu proprio Summorum Pontificum. FIUV General Assembly photos: Pontifical Low Mass in St Peters.

Since Wednesday, June 2008 Another historical point for Ss. Trinita: The first regular weekday Mass

Most of the attention will of course be paid to the opening Solemn Mass at Santissima Trinita -- and indeed, I intend to bring you more from it in the coming week or two. But another historical aspect to this occasion in Rome was the very first weekday Mass offered in this church -- and I believe the plan is to offer a total of 3 weekday Masses there per day. One in the early morning, one at midday and one in the evening. Very significant.

Here is the first weekday Low Mass (sorry for the slight blurriness; it is a hard church to take good photographs in without a tripod):

I am happy to report as well that the side altars are already seeing use for Masses offered by other visiting priests at different times. On two occasions did I see such Masses offered.fonte
by Shawn Tribe


DIFUSÃO DA SANTA MISSA GREGORIANA NO MUNDO. 254 Cardenales y Obispos han oficiado o asistido a actos litúrgicos con la Forma Extraordinaria del Rito Romano, tras la entrada en vigor del motu proprio Summorum Pontificum.

Solemn Mass, Legnano

The following photos show the Mass of a young ICRSS priest, Don Federico Pozza, who offered solemn Mass in Legnano.

Photos courtesy of Don Michele Somaschini

Rogativas en Épila

En Épila, Zaragoza, España, se celebraron rogativas a Nuestra Señora de las Ródenas, el pasado mes de noviembre, para impetrar la lluvia, muy necesaria, porque la zona es notablemente agrícola, y los agricultores ya desistían de sembrar y daban por perdida la cosecha.

El rito fue tomado de los libros antiguos y se cantó íntegramente en latín y gregoriano. Fue presidido por el reverendo don Miguel Ángel Barco.
La Virgen concedió la lluvia, Y abundante. La Santa Misa de acción de gracias, se ofició también con la Forma Extraordinaria del Rito Romano. Las fotografías corresponden a ambas celebraciones.

Santa Misa tradicional en Nantes, Francia, apostolado de la Fraternidad Sacerdotal de San Pedro.

Forma Extraordinaria en Cleveland

Santa Misa tradicional en la fiesta de San Esteban, en la iglesia de San Esteban, en Cleveland, Ohio, EE.UU.

254 Cardenales y Obispos

Relación de Cardenales y Obispos que han oficiado o asistido a actos litúrgicos con la Forma Extraordinaria del Rito Romano, tras la entrada en vigor del motu proprio Summorum Pontificum.

ALEMANIA: Cardenal Brandmüller (Presidente Emérito del Pontificio Consejo de Ciencias Históricas). Obispos Dick (Obispo Auxiliar Emérito de Colonia), Hanke (Obispo de Eichsttät), Mixa (Obispo de Augsburgo), Ostermann (Obispo Auxiliar Emérito de Münster), y Overbeck (Obispo de Essen).

ARGENTINA: Obispos Baseotto (Obispo Emérito Castrense de Argentina), Laise (Obispo Emérito de San Luis), y Sánchez Sorondo (Canciller de la Pontificia Academia de Ciencias).

AUSTRALIA: Cardenal Pell (Arzobispo de Sidney). Arzobispos Coleridge (Arzobispo de Camberra), Hart (Arzobispo de Melbourne), e Hickey (Arzobispo de Perth). Obispos Elliot (Obispo Auxiliar de Melbourne), Grech (Obispo de Sandhurst, +2010), Jarret (Obispo de Lismore), Porteus (Obispo Auxiliar de Sidney) y Prowse (Obispo de Sale).

AUSTRIA: Cardenal Stickler (Archivero Emérito de la Santa Sede, +2007). Obispo Laun (Obispo Auxiliar de Salzsburgo).

BÉLGICA: Arzobispo Leonard (Arzobispo de Bruselas y Primado de Bélgica). Obispo Harpigny (Obispo de Tournai).

BENIN: Obispo N´Koue (Obispo de Natitingou).

BRASIL: Arzobispos Pena (Arzobispo de Niterói) y Taveira Correa (Arzobispo de Belem do Pará) y Tempesta (Arzobispo de Río de Janeiro). Obispos Areas Rifán (Obispo de la Administración Apostólica San Juan Marían Vianney), Bergamin (Obispo de Nova Iguaçu), Canindé Palhano (Obispo de Senhor do Bomfim), Da Silva (Obispo Auxiliar Emérito de Fortaleza), Fontes de Matos (Obispo de Palmira dos Indios), Guimaraes (Obispo de Garanhuns), Lopes de Faria (Obispo Emérito de Diamantina,+2009), Paixao (Obispo Auxiliar de Salvador-Bahía), Pestana Filho (Obispo Emérito de Anápolis,+2011), Romer (Obispo Auxiliar Emérito de Río de Janeiro), Silva Matthes (Obispo Emérito de Franca), Sivieri (Obispo de Propriá-Sergipe), Soares da Costa (Obispo Auxiliar de Aracaju), y Stringhini (Obispo de Franca).

CANADÁ: Arzobispos Roussin (Arzobispo de Vancouver, Emérito en 2009), Miller (Arzobispo de Vancouver), Prendergast (Arzobispo de Ottawa). Obispos Blais (Obispo Auxiliar de Quebec), y Lemay (Obispo Auxiliar de Quebec).

CHILE: Cardenal Medina Estévez (Prefecto Emérito del Culto Divino). Arzobispo Piñera Carvallo (Arzobispo Emérito de La Serena). Obispo González Errázuriz (Obispo de San Bernardo).

CHINA: Cardenal Zen (Arzobispo Emérito de Hong-Kong).

COLOMBIA: Cardenal Castrillón Hoyos (Presidente Emérito de la Pontificia Comisión Ecclesia Dei).

CROACIA: Obispo Pozaic (Obispo Auxiliar de Zagreb).

DINAMARCA: Obispo Kozon (Obispo de Copenhagen).

ESLOVAQUIA: Arzobispo Bezák (Arzobispo de Trnava).

ESLOVENIA: Cardenal Rodé (Prefecto para la Vida Consagrada).

ESPAÑA: Cardenales Cañizares Llovera (Prefecto para el Culto Divino), Martínez Sistach (Arzobispo de Barcelona), Herranz Casado (Presidente Emérito del Consejo de Textos Legislativos), y Navarrete Cortés (Rector Emérito de la Universidad Gregoriana, +2010). Arzobispo Ureña Pastor (Arzobispo de Zaragoza). Obispos: Fernández González (Obispo de Córdoba), Iceta Gavicagogeascoa (Obispo de Bilbao), Yanguas Sanz (Obispo de Cuenca).

ESTADOS UNIDOS: Cardenales Baum (Penitenciario Mayor Emérito), Burke (Prefecto de la Signatura Apostólica), Egan (Arzobipo Emérito de Nueva York), Foley (Gran Maestre de la Orden del Santo Sepulcro, +2011), George (Arzobispo de Chicago), Levada (Prefecto de la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe), O' Malley (Arzobispo de Boston). Arzobispos Brunett (Arzobispo de Seattle), Carlson (Arzobispo de Saint Louis), Di Noia (Secretario para el Culto Divino), Hugues (Arzobispo Emérito de Nueva Orleans), Kevin (Arzobispo Emérito de Southwark), Myers (Arzobispo de Newark), Nienstedt (Arzobispo de Sain Paul y Minneapolis), Pilarczyk (Arzobispo Emérito de Cicinnati), Vigneron (Arzobispo de Detroit) y Wenski (Arzobispo de Miami). Obispos Backer (Obispo de Birmingham), Boyea (Obispo de Lansing), Bevard (Obispo de Saint Thomas), Blair (Obispo de Toledo, Ohio), Bruskewitz (Obispo de Lincoln), Burbidge (Obispo de Raleigh), Callahan (Obispo de LaCrosse), Conley (Obispo Auxiliar de Denver), Cordileone (Obispo de Oakland), Corrada (Obispo de Tyler), D´Arcy (Obispo de Fort Wayne-South Bend), Daniels (Obispo de Grand Falls), Dewane (Obispo de Venice), Di Lorenzo (Obispo de Richmond), DiMarzio (Obispo de Brooklynn), Doran (Obispo de Rockford), Etienne (Obispo de Cheyenne), Farrell (Obispo de Dallas), Finn (Obispo de Kansas City), Foley (Obispo Emérito de Birmingham), Gainer (Obispo de Lexington), García (Obispo de Monterey), Hermann (Obispo Auxiliar de Saint Louis), Hurley (Obispo de Grand Rapids), Keleher (Obispo Emérito de Kansas City), Kicanas (Obispo de Tucson), Madera Uribe (Obispo Emérito de Fresno), Matano (Obispo de Burlington), McFadden (Obispo de Harrisburg), McManus (Obispo de Worcester), Morlino (Obispo de Madison), Murphy (Obispo de Rockville Centre), Nevares (Obispo Auxiliar de Phoenix), Olmsted (Obispo de Phoenix), Perry (Obispo Auxiliar de Chicago), Provost (Obispo de Lake Charles), Reiss (Obispo Auxiliar de Detroit), Rhoades (Obispo de Harrisburg), Ricken (Obispo de Green Bay), Sample (Obispo de Marquette), Serratelli (Obispo de Paterson), Silva (Obispo de Honolulu), Slattery (Obispo de Tulsa), Timlin (Obispo Emérito de Scranton), Tobin (Obispo de Providence), Waltersheid (Obispo Auxiliar de Pittsburg), y Van Johnston (Obispo de Springfield, Missouri).

FILIPINAS: Arzobispo Lagdameo (Arzobispo de Jaro). Obispos Escaler (Obispo Emérito de Ipil), De Gregorio (Administrador de la Prelatura de Batanes), Hobayan (Obispo Emérito de Cazarman), y Tobias (Obispo de Novaliches).

FRANCIA: Cardenales Barbarin (Arzobispo de Lyon), Ricard (Arzobispo de Burdeos), y Ving-Trois (Arzobispo de París y Presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal Francesa). Arzobispos Bacqué (Nuncio en Holanda), D´Ornellas (Arzobispo de Rennes), Le Gall (Arzobispo de Toulouse), Madec (Arzobispo Emérito de Toulon), Maillard (Arzobispo de Bourges), y Thomazeau (Arzobispo de Montpellier). Obispos Aillet (Obispo de Bayona), Aumonier (Obispo de Versalles), Bagnard (Obispo de Belley-Ars), Batut (Obispo Auxiliar de Lyon), Boivineau (Obispo de Annecy), Brouwet (Obispo Auxiliar de Nanterre), Centène (Obispo de Vannes), De Dinechin (Obispo Auxiliar de París), Delmas (Obispo de Angers), Dubost (Obispo de Evry), Dufour (Obispo de Limoges), Fikart (Obispo Auxiliar Emérito de París), Fort (Obispo de Orleans), Fréchard (Obispo Emérito de Auch), Gaidon (Obispo Emérito de Cahors, +2011), Guillaume (Obispo Emérito de Saint-Dié), Kalist (Obispo de Limoges), Kratz (Obispo Auxiliar de Estrasburgo), Lebrun (Obispo de Saint-Etienne), Mathieu (Obispo de Saint-Dié), Pansard (Obispo de Chartres), Rey (Obispo de Frejus-Toulon), Riocreux (Obispo de Pontoise), Scherrer (Obispo de Laval), Séguy (Obispo Emérito de Autun), y Wintzer (Obispo Auxiliar de Poitiers).

GABÓN: Arzobispo Mvé Engone (Arzobispo de Libreville). Obispo Madega (Obispo de Port-Gentil).

HAITÍ: Arzobispo Gayot (Arzobispo Emérito de Cap-Haitien, +2010).

HUNGRÍA: Obispos Farhat (Nuncio en Austria), y Varga Lajos (Obispo Auxiliar de Vác).

ITALIA: Cardenales Antonelli (Arzobispo de Florencia, emérito en 2008), Bagnasco (Arzobispo de Génova), Bartolucci (Maestro de Capilla Emérito de la Capilla Sixtina), Caffarra (Arzobispo de Bolonia), De Paolis (Prefecto de Asuntos Económicos), Piovanelli (Arzobispo Emérito de Florencia), Poggi (Bibliotecario Emérito de la Santa Sede, +2010), Scola (Arzobispo de Venecia). Arzobispos Accerbi (Prelado de la Orden de Malta), Appignanesi (Arzobispo Emérito de Potenza), Bassetti (Arzobispo de Perugia), Berloco (Nuncio Apostólico de Su Santidad en Bélgica), Betori (Arzobispo de Florencia), Boccardo (Arzobispo de Spoleto-Norcia), Brugnaro (Arzobispo de Camerino-San Severino), De Magistris (Penitenciario Mayor Emérito), y Molinari (Arzobispo de L´Aquila). Obispos Ambrosio (Obispo de Piacenza), Cancian (Obispo de Città di Castello), Fisichella (Presidente de la Academia Pontificia para la Vida), Giovanetti (Obispo de Fiesole), Giusti (Obispo de Livorno), Lambiasi (Obispo de Rimini), Miglio (Obispo de Ivrea), Mistrorigo (Obispo Emérito de Treviso), Oliveri (Obispo de Albenga-Imperia), Rabitti (Obispo de Ferrara), Ravignani (Obispo Emérito de Trieste), Reali (Obispo de Porto-Santa Rufina), Scanavino (Obispo de Orvieto), y Tardelli (Obispo de San Miniato).

IRLANDA: Arzobispo Martin (Arzobispo de Dublin). Obispos Magee (Obispo de Cobh), y Moriarty (Obispo Emérito de Kildare y Leighlin).

KAZAJSTAN: Obispo Schneider (Obispo Auxiliar de Astana).

LIECHTENSTEIN: Arzobispo Haas (Arzobispo de Vaduz).

LITUANIA: Obispo Bartulis (Obispo de Siauliai).

MÉXICO: Arzobispo Suárez Inda (Arzobispo de Morelia).

MONACO: Arzobispo Barsi (Arzobispo de Mónaco).

NIGERIA: Cardenal Arinze (Prefecto Emérito de la Congregación para el Culto Divino). Obispos Ochiagha (Obispo Emérito de Orlu), y Tochukwu Ukwuoma (Obispo de Orlu).

NUEVA ZELANDA: Obispo Meeking (Obispo Emérito de Christchurch).

PAÍSES BAJOS: Obispo Punt (Obispo de Amsterdam).

PARAGUAY: Obispo Livieres (Obispo de Ciudad del Este).

POLONIA: Cardenal Nycz (Arzobispo de Varsovia). Arzobispos Golebiewski (Arzobispo de Wroclaw), y Zscysinski (Arzobispo de Lublin). Obispos Balcerek (Obispo Auxiliar de Pozna), Depo (Obispo de Zamosc-Lubaczow), Dziuba (Obispo de Lowicz), Gorny (Obispo de Rzeszów), Malysiak (Obispo Auxiliar Emérito de Cracovia), Mizinski (Obispo Auxiliar de Lublin), Pieronek (Obispo Auxiliar Emérito de Sosnowieck), y Szkodon (Obispo Auxiliar de Cracovia).

PUERTO RICO: Obispo Torres Oliveira (Obispo Emérito de Ponce).

REINO UNIDO: Cardenal O´Brien (Arzobispo de Edimburgo y Primado de Escocia). Arzobispos Conti (Arzobispo de Glasgow), Kevin (Arzobispo Emérito de Southwark), y Longley (Arzobispo de Birmingham). Obispos Arnold (Obispo Auxiliar de Westminster, Londres), Cunnigham (Obispo de Hexham y Newcastle), Doyle (Obispo de Northampton), Gilbert (Obispo de Aberdeen), Hopes (Obispo Auxiliar de Westminster, Londres), Kenney (Obispo Auxiliar de Birmingham), McGough (Obispo Auxiliar de Birmingham), McMahon (Obispo de Nottigham), Moran (Obispo de Aberdeen), Sherrington (Obispo Auxiliar de Westminster, Londres), Stack (Obispo Auxiliar de Westminster, Londres) y Williams (Obispo Auxiliar de Liverpool).

REPÚBLICA CHECA: Obispo Baxant (Obispo de Litomerice).

RUSIA: Arzobispo Pezzi (Arzobispo de la Diócesis de María Madre de Dios).

SRI LANKA: Cardenal Ranjith (Arzobispo de Colombo).

SUIZA: Obispos Farine (Obispo Auxiliar de Lausana), Genoud (Obispo de Lausana y Friburgo, +2010), Huonder (Obispo de Chur), y Perisset (Nuncio en Alemania).

+ los obispos de la FSSPX: De Galarreta, Fellay, Tisier de Mallerais y Williamson.


FIUV General Assembly photos: Pontifical Low Mass in St Peters. On the Sunday of the FIUV General Assembly, we went to the church of the Fraternity of St Peter, Sta Trinita.

FIUV General Assembly photos: Solemn and Low Mass on Sunday

On the Sunday of the FIUV General Assembly, we went (as we did in 2009) to the church of the Fraternity of St Peter, Sta Trinita. This is a very lovely church, of which Fr Kramer FSSP is the Parish Priest, and Fr William Barker FSSP his deputy. Although I've already referred to the Solemn Mass we all attended on Sunday morning, and the Low Mass said by Fr Barker I attended the same evening, since I have finally processed my photographs of these Masses here is a small selection. The church was packed for the morning Mass. IMG_8081 IMG_8088 IMG_8095 IMG_8116

More photos of Solemn Mass here. Low Mass, which was preceeded by Benediction and followed by the blessing of a very beautiful catafalque, with the singing of the Libera me. IMG_8175 IMG_8182
More photos of the Low Mass here.

FIUV General Assembly photos: Pontifical Low Mass in St Peters

I returned from the Una Voce Federation gathering in Rome in November unable to process my photos, so here, finally, they are, first, for the wonderful Pontifical Low Mass was had in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel in St Peter's, celebrated by Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos, Prefect Emeritus of the Pontifical Council Ecclesia Dei.

It was the first such Mass I have attended. The first thing to notice is that the celebrant vests in the sanctuary, as at Pontifical Solemn Mass. IMG_7998

You can't see it, but the server next to the Missal for the Gospel had a hand candle (ie in a silver candlestick with a handle) to illuminate the Gospel (again as at Pontifical Solemn Mass).

Cardinal Castrillon preaching. IMG_8005

The choir loft was occupied by some superb singers, who usually sing for the FSSP at Sta Trinita. Although this was a Low Mass, they sang some motets.


The 'Second Confiteor': Cardinal Castrillon gives the absolution. IMG_8027

The Cardinal's red zuchetto (skull cap) is made ready, on a silver tray. They also used a ewer, rather than a little cruet, for the water.

The final blessing.

Having remonved his vestments, the Cardinal is again in his 'day clothes', as it were. IMG_8035

Midnight Mass in Reading

We had a splendid and very well-attended Solemn Mass in Reading for Midnight Mass. Fr Simon Leworthy FSSP was celebrant, Fr Armand de Malleray FSSP deacon and the FSSP Seminarian James Mawdsley subdeacon.
IMG_8572 IMG_8594 IMG_8602

By coincidence I was given a copy of James Mawdsley's extraordinary book, 'The Heart Must Break', for Christmas. It is about his experiences campaigning for democracy in Burma. It is written from a rather different perspective to that of the seminarian of today - it was published in 2001 and he has naturally moved on - but it is very interesting none the less. How many seminarians have been tortured and kept in solitory confinement under a brutal dictatorship?

A meatless Epiphany

Friday was the first, and I think perhaps it will be the last, time that English Catholics will be required to abstain from flesh meat on 6th January, which is the Feast of the Epiphany in both the reformed Universal Calendar and the 1962 Calendar. We had a splendid candle-lit Mass in SS Gregory and Augustine to celebrate this important feast.

A good occasion for lobster and caviar, perhaps!  IMG_8633
The Church of SS Gregory & Augustine's looks quite well lit, but it is a trick of the camera. It was lit entirely by candles, except for the choir loft - we had a single electric bulb!
The solemn proclamation of the moveable feasts of the year, after the Sermon: chanted in Latin.

Juventutem London

Another set of photos which has been waiting for for PC to be fixed was that of the Juventutem London Solemn Mass, October 28th. Old news now, but their NEXT Mass will be

taking place at St Mary Moorfields, Eldon Street at 6.30pm on 23rd December. Facebook here
At the October Mass, in St Patrick's Soho Square, the celebrant was Fr Simon Leworthy FSSP; deacon, Fr Andrew Southwell; subdeacon, Fr Leon Pereira OP. The Mass was accompanied by the Juventutem London Schola led by Matthew Schellhorn. IMG_7902 IMG_7937

sexta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2012

Históricas fotos que testemunham a Missa Solene Gregoriana que no dia 10 de Setembro de 2010 foi celebrada na Basílica de Nª Sª do Rosário de Fátima onde há mais de 40 anos que não se celebrava...Difusão da Missa Gregoriana no mundo

  Foi a Missa dos nossos Santos, a Missa em que participaram os Beatos Francisco e Jacinta Marto ali sepultados na Basílica. Foi grande o momento que se viveu, numa assembleia de Fiéis que superou a centena e no meio dos quais se via vários sacerdotes que se reconheciam pela Batina ou colar romano que usavam , numa palavra era Portugal ali aos pés de Nª Sª de Fátima na obediência às directrizes do Papa Bento XVI. Foi um momento muito alto em que se viveu a Sacralidade do Sacríficio da Santa Missa e podemos contemplar como Deus ama a Beleza no culto que lhe devemos prestar.


Three Items of Note From Portugal: Solemn Mass in the Fatima Basilica; Opening of Fatima Liturgical Conference; Celebration of Rite of Braga

There are a few noteworthy items to report from the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius in Portugal.

The first is that they will be celebrating a Solemn Mass in the usus antiquior in the Basilica of Our Lady of Fatima at 8:00pm (Fatima time) tonight. Those who are in Fatima region may wish to spread the word.

The second is that, Wednesday, they opened their liturgical conference at the “Opus Sanctorum Angelorem” chapel at the Monastery of the Holy Cross in Fatima. Fr. Frank Phillips celebrated a solemn Mass.

The final point of note is that yesterday, Mass was offered according to the Bragan rite/use, which we have spoken about here on the NLM numerous times before.

The Preparation of the Chalice at the Beginning of Mass

Prayers at the Foot of the Altar

Images courtesy of Scott Smith Photography

 Mass in the usus antiquiorat Roman Basilica of Opus Dei

In early December, Messa in Latino reported that a regular Mass in the usus antiquior has been scheduled at the Roman Basilica of Sant’Eugenio - built by Ven. Pius XII in honour of his Patron Saint - which is run by Opus Dei. The first Sunday Mass was celebrated on the first Sunday of Advent with the participation of the parish priest and many faithful of the parish.

Mass in Rapallo, Genoa

The Italian site, has just published some beautiful photographs of Mass celebrated in the usus antiquior this past July 25th by Fr. Federico Icardi in a old oratory located in Rapallo, Genoa (Italian Riviera, North Italy).

I am sure many will also be interested in the architecture.

EF Pontifical Mass in the Czech Republic

Last Saturday, Lourdes was not the only place where a Pontifical Mass in the usus antiquior was celebrated (cf. NLM report here). As we learn by way of the Polish site inspoired by the NLM Nowy Ruch Liturgiczny, the Bishop of Litoměřice (Leitmeritz) in Northern Bohemia, Most Rev. Jan Baxant, on the same day celebrated a Pontifical Mass in the usus antiquior in the parish church of Počaply (Potschapl) which is about 5 km from his See city. The Mass was in honour of St. Adalbert of Prague, to whom the beautiful church (built in its current form by the famous Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer) is dedicated and a relic of whom was venerated on the occasion. The website of the Czech and Slovak Association of Juventutem has posted a photo gallery, of which here are some samples:

Vespers (Usus Antiquior) from St. Stephen's Basilica, Budapest

With the celebration of Vespers this evening in Budapest, in the beautiful Basilica of St. Stephen, the Budapest liturgical conference hosted by the St. Augustine Liturgical Atelier was officially commenced.

Here are a few images of the Cathedral-Basilica itself, which is quite impressive and boasts the relic of the right hand of St. Stephen.

The Vespers themselves were celebrated at the throne by Cardinal Laszlo Paskai, the former Archbishop of Esztergom with the Apostolic Nuncio of Hungary in attendance. He wore a magnificant cope for the occasion. The schola was that of the Basilica itself, which sung both chant and polyphony to great acclaim. They were indeed quite excellent.

For those who have not experienced the opportunity to participate in chanted Vespers from the 1962 Breviarium Romanum, I must encourage you to do so. No matter how often I do it, I always come away from it enriched and uplifted.

Here are a few images from the Vespers service itself:



Usus Antiquior: Georgetown University

A few NLM readers sent me in notes about the re-emergence of the Solemn form of the usus antiquior at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. yesterday evening.

The celebrant was Fr. Stephen M. Fields, S.J.; the deacon, Msgr. Charles E. Pope; and the subdeacon, Fr. John R. Siberski, S.J. It is reported to me that a umber of the servers were Georgetown students.

The Mass had a Gregorian schola of seven men, the Canticum Novum Schola, and was celebrated in the Copley Crypt Chapel at Georgetown University.

The NLM is also told that the celebrant, Fr. Fields, said it was probably the first traditional High Mass on campus in 44 years. (Low Masses are said Wednesdays and Sundays.)

Usus Antiquior in Latin America

It is often said that the Extraordinary Form is primarily of interest to Europe and North America. While it is certainly to be hoped that the restoration of the sacred, of which the diffusion of the usus antiquior is a very important part, becomes more wide-spread outside these areas, it is simply not true that there is no interest in other parts of the world.

As an example, here are some images of recent Masses in the Extraordinary Form in Latin America (taken from the excellent site of Una Voce Málaga):

Parish of Mary Mother of the Church, La Florida, Santiago de Chile, Chile:

Parish of St. Stephen, Puente Alto, Santiago de Chile, Chile:

Parish of St. Thérèse, Guayaquil, Ecuador:

Chapel of the Holy Face, Mar del Plata, Argentina:

Parish of St. John the Baptist of Tauape, Fortaleza, Brazil:

Chapel of St. Peter the Apsotle, Guadalajara, Mexico:

Parish of St. Roch, Buenos Aires, Argentina:

First Pontifical Mass at Elysburg Carmel

A reader sent in news and pictures about the the first Pontifical Mass offered at the Carmel of Jesus, Mary and Joseph in Elysburg, PA since its founding in 2009. We have mentioned this monastery before (cf here and here). Here is what he writes:

Bishop William Waltersheid, the celebrant of the Mass, was at that time the Vicar for Clergy and Religious in the Diocese of Harrisburg and played an instrumental role in bringing the sisters to Elysburg, where a Carmelite monastery stood empty after it was closed a few years earlier due to lack of vocations. Recently appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Pittsburg, he returned to celebrate his first Pontifical Mass for their patronal feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Living the traditional Carmelite rule and praying the traditional Mass and Office, the sisters have continued to flourish in their new house, attracting many young vocations from around the country. His Excellency Bishop Joseph McFadden, Bishop of the Diocese of Harrisburg in which the Carmel is located, assisted at the Mass from the Throne. Many Diocesan Priests and seminarians came to fulfill the roles of Sacred Ministers and servers for the Mass.

Usus Antiquior at Harvard University

As readers will know, we here at the NLM are always eager to promote and report on Masses in either the usus antiquior or in a "reform of the reform" vein which are taking place at university campuses and amongst university students. Accordingly, we were delighted to hear of the following Mass which took place at the prestigious American ivy league school, Harvard University, in Cambridge, MA.:

The Harvard Latin Mass Society have sent us some photos of the Mass.

Sung Mass in Virginia Showcases Beautiful Gothic Revival Commissioned Vestments

One of our readers sent in photos from a recent Sung Mass (usus antiquior) at St. Mary's in Alexandria, Virginia, on the occasion of the Feast of the Assumption.

I particularly wanted to bring your attention to it because of the excellent vestments, which goes along with the recent NLM post about a revival in the liturgical arts. The vestments were designed by Gardiner Hall Inc. and include an antique French embroidery of the BVM, embroidered fleur de lys on Fairford damask orphreys, and a base fabric of Watts Crevelli Brocatelle. The tailoring and orphrey embroidery were done by Hayes and Finch, Liverpool and the set was custom sized for the celebrant, Rev. John De Celle.

Beautiful work, and again, one of the model forms of edifying gothic revival vestments for priests to consider when they are seeking out, or better, commissioning vestments.

The First Mass for Artists, Church of Our Saviour, NYC

We mentioned here a few days back and one other time before that the Mass for Catholic Artists which was being held at Fr. George Rutler's Parish of Christ the Saviour in New York City.

The Society of St. Hugh of Cluny has published a post on the event and give this summation:

... the Catholic Artists Society sponsored its first Solemn High Mass for Artists at Our Saviour’s Church on Park Avenue in New York. A capacity congregation, very proficient in singing the responses, filled the church. But that seems to be the rule for Solemn Masses at this parish. David Hughes led the schola of St. Mary’s Norwalk and Herve Duteil was the organist – need we say that the music was splendid? (Missa super Credidi Propter by Orlando di Lasso and works by Palestrina, Philips, Vaughan Williams, Bach and Messiaen)


As already noted, there always seems to be a full house for a Solemn mass at Our Saviour’s. But the Catholic Artists Society has succeeded in bringing most of them down to the lecture hall as well. It was heartening to see so many artists – and would-be artists – especially given the nonexistent Catholic presence in the arts in New York. Perhaps these artists have only been waiting for something like the Catholic Artists Society to come along to draw them all out of the woodwork. In any case, we will be hearing more from this Society in the near future…..

A few photos of the Mass and the conference.

Photos from Mass at the High Altar of York Minster

A couple of weeks back, we mentioned a Mass to be celebrated in the usus antiquior at the High Altar of York Minster in York in the North of England.

The NLM is told that all of the music for the Mass (a Missa Cantata) were compositions of William Byrd, the great English composer, excepting of course for the propers. The Rudgate Singers sang the Mass for Five Voices, Justorum Animae (Offertory motet), Ave Verum Corpus (Communion motet), and Ave Regina Caelorum.

The Celebrant of the Mass was Fr Stephen Maughan from English Marty's Church, Dalton Terrace, York.

Approximately 800 people were said to be in attendance.

Following the Mass there was a procession through the medieval heart of York to one of the oldest streets called the Shambles where there is the Shrine of St Margaret Clitherow. The procession then continued through the city to Ouse Bridge (over the River Ouse) which was the place of her martyrdom. From there it continued to English Martyr's Church for Benediction and Veneration of the relic of St Margaret Clitherow.

The Mass was coordinated by the Latin Mass Society of England and Wales.

Dr John Ridgeway-Wood was kind enough to send us some pictures from the Mass which we are only too pleased to publish -- see his full photo set.

(The Canon Chancellor and Precentor of York Minster in attendance)

First Mass of New FSSP Priests

Today I was blessed to attend here in Berlin the First Mass (in German Primiz; you can read about that term and customs surrounding it in the posts about our Holy Father's First Mass which I wrote a while ago here and here) of two of the new priests who were ordained for the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter on 3 July in Wigratzbad by His Eminence Antonio Cardinal Cañizares Llovera (cf. here). The Mass was celebrated as a Solemn High Mass by Fr Jérôme Bücker FSSP, the other newly ordained, Fr Gerald Gesch, acting as deacon, and Fr Sven Conrad FSSP as subdeacon. Both new priests hail from the parish of St. Matthias in Berlin, where Blessed Count Clement Augustus Cardinal Galen was parish priest from 1919 to 1929. This parish has always been known for a dignified celebration of the liturgy, and has an Ordinary Form Latin Sung Mass every second Sunday. The parish priest had traveled to Wigratzbad for the ordination, acted as presbyter assistens for today's High Mass, and also gave the sermon (in which he mentioned that what most struck him at the ordination at Wigratzbad was the exalted prince of the Church kissing the newly ordaineds' hands, a custom he did not recall from his own ordination, even though that was still according to the usus antiquior books). The Mass replaced the regular 11 am Sunday High Mass, and a good number of faithful filling the church belonged to the parish without having prior familiarity with the usus antiquior, as was evidenced when they sung the entire Pater noster, as is the norm in the Ordinary Form. It was a wonderful occasion, and a very good sign of unity, as well as for the Extraordinary Form taking its rightful place at the centre of the Church, fruitfully co-existing with the Ordinary Form. Another son of the parish celebrated his First Mass in the Ordinary Form there last year, another will be ordained transitional deacon next year, and yet another is a seminarian with the Servi Jesu et Mariæ. Congratulations again to the newly ordained, and to the parish!

Since I did not want to take pictures during Mass, here are some from the German site

Dom Cassian Folsom, OSB, Offers Solemn Mass at Cathedral of St. John Berchmans

We mentioned earlier last month that the Cathedral of St. John Berchmans in the Diocese of Shreveport was hosting a liturgical conference from January 31st to Feburary 3rd for priests in that region, In Utroque Usu: The Pursuit of the Two Forms of the Roman Liturgy.

The conference was to include a number of interesting and highly relevant topics for a new liturgical movement, including mutual enrichment, the hermeneutic of continuity, the reform of the reform, and noble simplicity.

As was also noted, Msgr. Andrew Wadsworth, the Executive Director of ICEL, was slated as the keynote speaker for this conference, and Dom Cassian Folsom, OSB, Prior of the Monastery of Norcia (Italy) was the celebrant of a Solemn Mass.

While -- as of yet -- we have no reports on the conference proper, we have received some photographs of the aforementioned Solemn Mass offered by Dom Cassian Folsom, OSB.