St. Agnes adds Usus Antiquior to Parish Mass Schedule
The news has been quickly spreading around the Catholic
internet world that flagship reform of the reform parish, St. Agnes
in St. Paul Minnesota (which Msgr. Richard J. Schuler helped to put
on the map) has added the usus antiquior into their parish schedule.
The parish has been celebrating the modern Roman liturgy in a reform of the reform context for quite some time now (and to great acclaim) and from what I understand, they will now in addition begin celebrating the usus antiquior on a semi-monthly Sunday basis, alternating it as the primary parish Sunday Mass with their reform of the reform liturgy -- if any local reader knows more information, please let the NLM know.
The establishment in parishes of both the usus antiquior and the modern liturgy which is being celebrated in a reform of the reform context -- and in sung forms in particular -- is certainly something to be encouraged and fostered, and it seems very much in keeping with the vision of Pope Benedict XVI.
The blog Chris & Co. have some images up from the first of the new Sunday Masses to be celebrated.
The parish has been celebrating the modern Roman liturgy in a reform of the reform context for quite some time now (and to great acclaim) and from what I understand, they will now in addition begin celebrating the usus antiquior on a semi-monthly Sunday basis, alternating it as the primary parish Sunday Mass with their reform of the reform liturgy -- if any local reader knows more information, please let the NLM know.
The establishment in parishes of both the usus antiquior and the modern liturgy which is being celebrated in a reform of the reform context -- and in sung forms in particular -- is certainly something to be encouraged and fostered, and it seems very much in keeping with the vision of Pope Benedict XVI.
The blog Chris & Co. have some images up from the first of the new Sunday Masses to be celebrated.
Usus Antiquior News from Poland
This Sunday, 14 June, two significant Masses were celebrated
according to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite in Poland.
In the Franciscan church of St. Anthony in Poznań (Posen), H.E. Grzegorz Balcerek, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Poznań, sung Pontifical Mass on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the establishment of a regular celebration of Mass in the usus antiquior in Poznań. The Polish blog Pod Mitrą has excellent images of the occasion, of which here is a selection:

Also on Sunday, in the Church of the Holy Cross in Rzeszów, Fr. Sławomir Jarząb, who was ordained a priest on 30 May by H.E. Kazimierz Górny, the bishop of Rzeszów, celebrated a First Mass as a solemn Mass in the older use. Six others of the twelve priests ordained on 30 May also attended the Mass and imparted their new priest's belssing to the faithful. Nowy Ruch Liturgiczny has photos, here are some of them:

In the Franciscan church of St. Anthony in Poznań (Posen), H.E. Grzegorz Balcerek, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Poznań, sung Pontifical Mass on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the establishment of a regular celebration of Mass in the usus antiquior in Poznań. The Polish blog Pod Mitrą has excellent images of the occasion, of which here is a selection:

Also on Sunday, in the Church of the Holy Cross in Rzeszów, Fr. Sławomir Jarząb, who was ordained a priest on 30 May by H.E. Kazimierz Górny, the bishop of Rzeszów, celebrated a First Mass as a solemn Mass in the older use. Six others of the twelve priests ordained on 30 May also attended the Mass and imparted their new priest's belssing to the faithful. Nowy Ruch Liturgiczny has photos, here are some of them:
Usus Antiquior: Sleepy Eye, Minnesota
One of our readers sends in the following photos of a Mass
offered in the usus antiquior at the parish of St. Mary Help of
Christians in Sleepy Eye, Minnesota.
The church has quite a substantial reredos.
The church has quite a substantial reredos.

The Usus Antiquior and the Major Seminary of Krakow
The Polish blog Nowy Ruch Liturgiczny reports a story about the usus antiquior at the major seminary in Krakow. They report that on Dec. 10th, the major seminary of the archdiocese of Krakow organized a Mass according to the liturgical books of 1962, offered by Fr. Wojciech Grygiel, FSSP, at the invitation of the rector. Here are a few photos of that event.

First Solemn Mass of a New Priest
The Reverend Father Jonathan M. Venner, ordained a Priest for the Diocese of Sioux Falls, SD by His Excellency, the Most Revrerend Paul Joseph Swain on 1st Thursday, August 4th, the Dies Natalis of St. John Marie Vianney, celebrated his First Solemn Mass (in the Usus Antiquior) at St. Mary Church, Salem on 1st Friday, August 5th, 2011. The Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was celebrated, preceded by the Veni Creator Spiritus and followed by the Te Deum.
The Reverend Bryan J. B. Pedersen, Pastor of Sacred Heart Church, Robbinsdale, Minnesota, served as Deacon of the Mass and the Reverend Gregory Parrott, Parochial Vicar of Queen of Angels Church, Austin, Minnesota and Our Lady of Loreto Church, Brownsdale, Minnesota, served as Subdeacon. The Reverend John Brancich, F.S.S.P., Pastor of Immaculate Conception Church, Omaha, Nebraska, served as Master of Ceremonies and Homilist. Mr. Nathan J. Knutson, Diocesan Master of Ceremonies for Diocese of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, directed the Schola Cantorum, while his wife, Mrs. Lisa Knutson, was organist. The Priest of Salem served as Assistant Priest. The Reverend Fathers Charles Duman and Mark Axtmann of the Diocese of Sioux Falls were among the clergy in choir.
Fr. Venner has been assigned as Parochial Vicar at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Sioux Falls.
Solemn Mass in the Pantheon, Rome, Savoy Family
This past Saturday, March 19th, the Feast of St. Joseph, two
Italian associations, Rinnovamento nella Tradizione and Mafalda e
Giovanna di Savoia celebrated Mass in the usus antiquior in the
Pantheon (Santa Maria ad Martyres) in Rome. The Mass was offered for the repose
of the souls of King Umberto II of Italy and Queen Giovanna of Savoy of
In attendance was Principe Amedeo di Savoia, his wife, Principessa Silvia, and Principessa Maria Gabriella di Savoia. At the end of the Mass, Principe Amedeo, accompanied by relatives and by civil and ecclesiastical authorities, laid a wreath at the tomb of King Vittorio Emanuele II.
The Mass was offered by Don Riccardo Petroni, a priest of the Roman diocese, and ecclesiastical assistant to the association Familia Christi.
In attendance was Principe Amedeo di Savoia, his wife, Principessa Silvia, and Principessa Maria Gabriella di Savoia. At the end of the Mass, Principe Amedeo, accompanied by relatives and by civil and ecclesiastical authorities, laid a wreath at the tomb of King Vittorio Emanuele II.
The Mass was offered by Don Riccardo Petroni, a priest of the Roman diocese, and ecclesiastical assistant to the association Familia Christi.
Image source: Rinnovamento nella Tradizione
Usus Antiquior at St. Charles Borromeo, Kingston-upon-Hull
One of our readers sends in the following photos of a Mass
offered in the usus antiquior from the parish of St. Charles Borromeo,
Kingston-upon-Hull -- the oldest post-reformation Catholic Church in that city
-- which took place this past Sunday, July 4th.
Fr. Stephen Maughan was the celebrant and was assisted by a congregation of approximately 140. The Mass featured music provided by the Cambridge University Polyphonic Choir under the direction of Matthew Ward.
Fr. Stephen Maughan was the celebrant and was assisted by a congregation of approximately 140. The Mass featured music provided by the Cambridge University Polyphonic Choir under the direction of Matthew Ward.

Bishop of Copenhagen, Denmark, Celebrates Usus Antiquior

Last Sunday 2 August, H.E. Most Rev. Czeslaw Kozon, bishop of Copenhagen, Denmark, celebrated Mass according to the usus antiquior, in Copenhagen's church of the Sacred Heart. As the Sankt Karl Borromæus Gruppen, the lay group organising the celebration of Mass in the Extraordinary Form in Copenhagen, reports, when they had difficulties finding priests to celebrate the Mass during the summer time, bishop Kozon generously offered to celebrate the Mass himself this Sunday. At this time, it was not possible to gather the necessary ministers for a Pontifical Mass, hence the Mass was celebrated as a sung Mass; it is hoped that eventually a proper Pontifical Mass will be possible. Nevertheless, this was apparently the first public celebration of the Mass according to the usus antiquior by a bishop in the Nordic countries since the liturgical reforms.
Usus Antiquior at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary
While visiting Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in the Archdiocese of
St. Louis to give a workshop, St. Bonventure and the Thought of Benedict
XVI, Fr. Damian Peter Fehlner of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate,
and rector of the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in LaCrosse, Wisconsin,
offered a Missa Cantata in the usus antiquior for the Kenrick
seminarians in the School of Theology.
The schola was led by Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB, director of the Institute of Sacred Music, and the servers for the Mass were seminarians from Kenrick.
Kenrick Seminary offers Mass in the usus antiquior every other Friday, alternating with a Mass offered in Latin using the modern Roman liturgical books.
Some photos of this morning's Mass.
The schola was led by Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB, director of the Institute of Sacred Music, and the servers for the Mass were seminarians from Kenrick.
Kenrick Seminary offers Mass in the usus antiquior every other Friday, alternating with a Mass offered in Latin using the modern Roman liturgical books.
Some photos of this morning's Mass.

More from Brazil on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
The following photos were sent in from a celebration of Mass
in the usus antiquior on the feast of the Immaculate Conception. The Mass
took place at the Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Carmen de la Catedral Vieja in
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
Photos by: James Netusil, Seminarian
Christmas in Imperia
For our second bit of Christmas coverage, we turn to Italy
and the following photos which one of our readers sent in, showing the third
Mass of Christmas (usus antiquior) as celebrated in the Chiesa è il
Santuario N.S. di Loreto in Imperia, the diocese of Bishop Mario Oliveri who
will be no stranger to many of our readers.
Archbishop Burke Celebrates Pontifical Mass in the Usus Antiquior in Lourdes
Last Saturday, Feast of St. Marcus, Archbishop Raymond Burke,
the Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, pontificated in the Extraordinary Form
in the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception at Lourdes in the context of the
annual pilgrimage of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest (ICRSS).
As the Spanish blog Benedicámus Dómino reports, afterwards the
Archbishop gave a talk and a Q&A session, and on the Sunday the Superior of
the ICRSS, Gilles Wach, celebrated Solemn Mass, again in the Basilica, at which
Archbishop Burke assisted.
Here are some picture from Benedicámus Dómino, and also from Fr George David Byers's bloggingLOURDES.


Here are some picture from Benedicámus Dómino, and also from Fr George David Byers's bloggingLOURDES.

Cardinal Burke's Pontifical Mass in Australia
Here are some images of the Pontifical Mass which His
Eminence Raymond L. Cardinal Burke celebrated yesterday, 12 March 2011, at St.
Brigid's, Marrickville, Sydney. Apparently, there was a very good turnout (over
1000 people). H.E. Most Rev Julian Porteous, Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney, also
attended the Mass.

Image Source: Catholic Community of Bl. John Henry Newman. See more photographs at the same community's site here.

Image Source: Catholic Community of Bl. John Henry Newman. See more photographs at the same community's site here.
Cologne Liturgical Conference
As mentioned, the 14th Cologne Liturgical
Conference took place from 24 to 27 August. Here is a report sent in to the
By Christoph Hahn
The Cologne Liturgical Conference is not quite what it seems - because it does not take place (anymore) in Cologne, but - after Bad Münstereifel and other places - in Herzogenrath [near Aachen, Germany]. And the joint event of Una Voce Germany, the initiative groups of Catholic laity and priests in the dioceses of Hamburg, Cologne and Aachen as well as the network of Catholic priests is not just a convention either: not only does it bring the participants up to date in the debate(s) in the traditional camp of the Catholic Church - it also creates a space for encounters between people, priests as well as laity, who often fight on isolated stations for the concerns of Tradition. What unites and sustains them is expressed by the theme of the meeting: "True – real – essential: The presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament and the need for an adequate liturgical form".
Organizer Egmont Schulze Pellengahr, a science journalist from Tremsbüttel near Hamburg, was pleased in any case together with the local parish priest, Rev. Dr. Guido Rodheudt, by the participation of around 100 persons mainly from Germany, but also from the Netherlands. The programme of the meeting in Herzogenrath's Nell-Breuning-Haus did not disappoint the audience, who for the most part is enganged in parish pastoral care, in any way. Internationally renowned speakers contributed to the high level, like Rev. Dr. Alcuin Reid, who explained to his audience the way - that was the title of his lecture - "from rubrics to ars celebrandi", and Martin Reinecke, a student of Klaus Gamber, who in his lecture "Did Jesus create a rite? From the Last Supper to the Missa Romensis" formally described the time the Passion and the first early missals, but nevertheless actually surveyed the wide space between antiquity and modern times. At the beginning of the whole meeting, however, was the conveniat for the priests. Its heart: the recollectio of the Munich pastoral theologian Rev. Professor Dr. Andreas Wollbold on "Priestly life from the liturgy".
But it was not just the scientific highlights which adorned the conference. There also was time and space for the art of words, literature. Matthias Matussek, cultural editor of Der Spiegel, who presented his latest book "The Catholic Adventure" turned out to be a veritable magnet for the public and caused an influx of external interested parties, whose numbers eceeded by far the meeting room. Subtle, sophisticated accents were provided for by the matinee "The Cathedral in a nutshell - the Missal of Trent" by and with the writer Martin Mosebach. There was certainly no lack of literary wit at this convention. But its real strength is manifested in the spiritual depth of the presentations and those who gave them.
Among the most striking impressions of the participants were therefore the lectures of the two university theologians among the speakers: Rev. Professor Dr. Peter Hofmann (University of Augsburg) talked about the "Liturgical gesture – Its demands on theology and celebration" and thus, like the parish priest Rev. Dr. Rodheudt with his catechetical talk, turned to practical implementation. Hofmann's colleague, Rev. Professor Dr. Helmut Hoping, a Permanent Deacon, presented the Eucharist as "The gift of the Holy Presence". Father Bernward Deneke, vice rector of the Wigratzbad Seminary of the Fraternity of St. Peter, also stayed close to the reality of the church in his treatment of "liturgical witnesses to the Real Presence".
One of the great highlights of the conference was finally the almost private visit late in the evening to Aachen Cathedral - a spiritual pleasure with performances of the Schola Carolina, led by Dr. Michael Tunger, who had previously introduced the participants to the proprium. Cordiality in dealing with each other also contributed to the fact that many have already firmly marked down the next, the 15th Cologne Liturgical Conference from 16 to 19 August 2012 (, in their calendars.
Some impressions. Pontifical Mass of H.E. Czeslaw Kozon, Bishop of Copenhagen/Denmark:

Pontifical Mass of Dom Josef Vollberg OCSO, Abbot of the Trappist Monastery of Mariawald:

Dom Josef at the conference with writer Martin Mosebach:

Photos: Christoph Hahn/Dominus-Verlag
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