La pasada Semana Santa nos sigue deparando bellas imágenes, de una cuidada liturgia, signo de amor y adoración a Dios, y que proceden de diversas páginas
Necesariamente hay que hacer una selección, dando gracias de que sobren estampas tan hermosas, ejemplos de restauración de la sacralidad del culto en todo el mundo.
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Domingo de Ramos en Porciúncula, Río de Janeiro, Brasil. Vetus Ordo.Salvem a Liturgia Misa Crismal en Córdoba, España, el pasado Martes Santo. Novus Ordo. El Obispo de Córdoba Monseñor Demetrio Fernández, con casulla romana y dalmática, junto al Obispo de Bilbao, Monseñor Iceta. Pro Misa tradicional en Ciudad Real Misa crismal en Venecia. Oficia el Patriarca Monseñor Moraglia. Novus Ordo. Ornamentos tradicionales y dalmática pontifical.Pro Misa tradicional en Ciudad Real Jueves Santo en la Iglesia del Salvador, en Toledo, España. Vetus Ordo. Fraternidad de Cristo Sacerdote Jueves Santo en la Parroquia de Sormano, Milán, Italia. Los ornamentos son rojos el Jueves Santo en el Rito Ambrosiano.Viernes Santo en la Parroquia de San Eugenio y Santa Cecilia. Vetus Ordo. Catholicus Viernes Santo en el Monasterio tradicional de Papa Stronsay, en Escocia. Hijos del Santísimo Redentor Vigilia Pascual en la iglesia de Santa María, Norwalk, Connecticut, EE.UU. New Liturgical MovementIglesia de San Cipriano, Génova, Italia. New Liturgical Movement |
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Parroquia de Santa Inés, en Saint Paul, Minnesota, EE.UU. New Liturgical Movement Misa de Pascua en Milán. Oficia el Cardenal Scola. Uso de dalmática pontifical bajo la casulla romana. Pro Misa tradicional en Ciudad Real http://accionliturgica.blogspot.pt/ |
Foligno, Santa Messa Cantata dei Monaci Benedettini di Norcia
Sabbato in Albis 2012.
Abbiamo avuto la grazia di assistere alla Santa Messa celebrata nel rito romano antico nella chiesa di Santa Maria infra portas di Foligno, celebrazione regolare di cui il nostro blog si era occupato dandone comunicazione.
Ha celebrato il Vice Priore della Comunità Benedettina di Norcia il Rev.do P.Benedetto O.S.B.
Hanno servito all’altare due Monaci e Fra Ignazio , il Maestro del Coro del Monastero, ha cantato in canto gregoriano le parti del proprium e dell’ordinarium ( Missa I Lux et origo ).
I fedeli hanno devotamente pregato e cantato aiutati dai libretti bilingue.
La prossima celebrazione sarà sabato 5 maggio alle ore 10,00 nella medesima chiesa.
Ha celebrato il Vice Priore della Comunità Benedettina di Norcia il Rev.do P.Benedetto O.S.B.
Hanno servito all’altare due Monaci e Fra Ignazio , il Maestro del Coro del Monastero, ha cantato in canto gregoriano le parti del proprium e dell’ordinarium ( Missa I Lux et origo ).
I fedeli hanno devotamente pregato e cantato aiutati dai libretti bilingue.
La prossima celebrazione sarà sabato 5 maggio alle ore 10,00 nella medesima chiesa.
Holy Week Varia: Minnesota, Chicago, Rome, Genoa and Holy Thursday in the Ambrosian Rite, Sormano
As we approach the conclusion of the Octave of Easter this weekend, my intent is -- again, barring anything truly unique and spectacular -- to now wrap up our photo montage from Holy Week with this post. I want to thank all of those who sent photos in, including those whose photos we weren't able to use this year, and I want to encourage you to continue to submit your photos for these and other events in future.
Holy Thursday in the Ambrosian Rite, Sormano
Many of our readers will no doubt be interested in the following photos of the Holy Thursday liturgy from the parish church of Sormano within the archdiocese of Milan -- which is to say, according to the Ambrosian rite (in this instance, the modern Ambrosian liturgy).
Aside from some of the visibly distinctive elements that many will already recognize, such as the cappino worn around the back of the neck -- a 'descendent' of the appareled amice -- many will no doubt also notice that the colour used on this day is not white, as per the Roman liturgy, but rather red.
Aside from some of the visibly distinctive elements that many will already recognize, such as the cappino worn around the back of the neck -- a 'descendent' of the appareled amice -- many will no doubt also notice that the colour used on this day is not white, as per the Roman liturgy, but rather red.

Fr John Osman's annual Solemn Mass on Easter Monday, accompanied by the Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge, was as splendid as ever, in his wonderful little church of St Birinus, in Dorchester on Thames. The deacon, Fr Guy Nichols of the Birmingham Oratory, preached very well on the appearance of Our Lord to the disciples on the road to Emmaeus, and the Blessed Sacrament.

More photos.
Cincinnati Oratory-in-Formation (Easter Sunday Mass and Vespers)
St. Paul's, Philadelphia (Easter Sunday)
Etiquetas:Cammino Neocatecumenale.

Solemn Mass in the Birmingham Oratory and Easter Monday in St Birinus, Dorchester
With Easter and other things I've not had a chance to post my photos of Solemn Mass on Passion Sunday (ie, the Sunday before Palm Sunday), at the Birmingham Oratory, which I attended on my way back from the LMS York Pilgrimage.
The Birmingham Oraotory is a really splendid church; not as grand as the London Oratory, but very impressive, and in a very unusual Romanesque style.
The Birmingham Oratory now has a Traditional Solemn Mass every Sunday at 10.30am. This is the only place in England where this is found. It is well attended, and accompanied by the parish's small choir.
The Birmingham Oraotory is a really splendid church; not as grand as the London Oratory, but very impressive, and in a very unusual Romanesque style.
The Birmingham Oratory now has a Traditional Solemn Mass every Sunday at 10.30am. This is the only place in England where this is found. It is well attended, and accompanied by the parish's small choir.
Easter Monday in St Birinus, Dorchester
Fr John Osman's annual Solemn Mass on Easter Monday, accompanied by the Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge, was as splendid as ever, in his wonderful little church of St Birinus, in Dorchester on Thames. The deacon, Fr Guy Nichols of the Birmingham Oratory, preached very well on the appearance of Our Lord to the disciples on the road to Emmaeus, and the Blessed Sacrament.
More photos.
Holy Week Varia: Sevilla, Australia (Melbourne), Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Reading
Holy Week Varia: Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Reading
Etiquetas:Cammino Neocatecumenale.
Holy Week Varia: Rome, Austria, Connecticut, Paris, Rio de Janeiro
Holy Week Varia: Paris, Rio de Janeiro
Ordenaciones diaconales en Roma
Ordenación de tres nuevos diáconos del Pontificio Colegio Irlandés, en Roma, en la Basílica de San Marcos, el pasado Lunes de Pascua, Novus Ordo. Preside Mons. Liam MacDaid, Obispo de Clogher, Irlanda.
Semana Santa en el London Oratory
Vigilia Pascual
Oficios del Viernes Santo
Oficios del Jueves Santo y despojamiento del altar
Domingo de Ramos
Esplendor de la Liturgia en el Oratorio de San Felipe Nery de Londres, Reino Unido, en las celebraciones de Semana Santa, oficiadas con el Novus Ordo, ad Orientem y con ornamentos tradicionales, en una perfecta hermeneútica de continuidad, tan deseada por el Santo Padre.
Ad multos annos Sancte Pater!
Felicidades Santo Padre, en su 85 aniversario, Dios lo guarde y conserve por muchos años, y siga bendiciendo a su Iglesia a través de su persona, Vicario de Cristo en la Tierra.
Pido incesantes oraciones por nuestro Sumo Pontífice, para que siga rigiendo a la Iglesia con el mismo celo, santidad y certeza.
Esplendor de la Liturgia en Milán
Misa de Pascua
Oficios del Jueves Santo
Esplendor litúrgico en las celebraciones del triduo pascual en Milan. Las celebraciones han sido oficiadas por Su Eminencia el Cardenal Angelo Scola, Arzobispo de Milán, con el Rito Ambrosiano. Podemos observar los ornamentos de color rojo en vez de blancos para los oficios del jueves santo, propios de dicho Rito Ambrosiano.
Destacamos el uso de ornamentos tradicionales y de la dalmática pontifical por parte del Cardenal Scola.
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