Miscelánea de fotografías sobre la reciente solemnidad del Corpus Christi.
Procesión del Corpus en la Abadía del Sacro Monte de Granada. De modo novedoso fue presidido por el Sr. Arzobispo, Monseñor don Franciso Javier Martínez, y concelebrado por el Cabildo Colegial, tras el Solemne Pontifical según el Rito Hispánono-Mozárabe. El Cabildo Colegial ha recuperado el uso de los cetros capitulares.
Santa Misa tradicional, con primera comunión, en la iglesia de Santo Domingo, en Dursley, Reino Unido, el pasado 7 de junio.
Latin Mass Society
Solemnidad del Corpus Christi en el Oratorio de San Jacinto en Molini di Prelà, Italia, diócesis de Albenga Imperia. Santa Misa con la Forma Extraordinaria del Rito Romano y Procesión eucarística.
Pro Misa tradicional en Ciudad Real
Misa con la Forma Extraordinaria del Rito Romano, en la solemnidad del Corpus Christi, en la iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes, en Weston-super-Mare, Reino Unido.
Latin Mass Society
Solemnidad del Corpus Christi en la Iglesia de San Eugenio y Santa Cecilia, en París, Francia. Santa Misa con la Forma Extraordinaria y posterior procesión de Jesús Sacramentado.
Schola Sainte Cecile
Un amigo nos envía estas imágenes de Benifairo de les Valls, en Valencia, España. Preside el Cura-Párroco de Faura y Benifairo de les Valls, Mosén Josep Martínez i Rondan, amigo de la liturgia tradicional.
Desde Chile nos envían estas fotografías, correspondientes a la Parroquia de Santa Bárbara, en Casablanca. Procesión del Santísimo Sacramento tras la Santa Misa en su Forma Extraordinaria. Porta la custodia el benemérito Monseñor don Jaime Astorga Paulsen.
Ciudad Real, España, después de muchos años, el Cabildo Catedral recupera el uso de capas pluviales en la procesión del Corpus Christi.
El Sayón
Desde Valencia, en Venezuela, nos envían estas fotografías de la celebración del Corpus Christi en la Catedral, presidida por su Arzobispo, Monseñor del Prette. La custodia va recorriendo los diversos altares catedralicios:
También de la Archidiócesis venezolana de Valencia es la siguiente fotografía, que muestra la procesión del Santísimo Sacramento, portado por el reverendo don Christian Guerrero, revestido con sotana, sobrepelliz y capa pluvial:
Toledo y su espectacular custodia. Procesión presidida por el Arzobispo Monseñor don Braulio Rodríguez Plaza, Primado de España.
En Santiago de Compostela, la procesión discurrió por el interior de la Santa Iglesia Catedral, debido a la lluvia. Espectaculares los ornamentos utilizados por el Arzobispo, Monseñor don Julián Barrio, y diáconos.
En Compostela
Procesión en Málaga, España, presidida por su Obispo, Monseñor don Jesús Esteban Catalá Ibáñez.
La Opinión
Sevilla, España: Fotografías realizadas por Joaquín Galán para la página Cofrades, el pasado jueves 7 de junio.
Corpus Christi en Bélgica
EnlaceCorpus Christi in Valloria, Italy
We have been somewhat inundated here at NLM with Corpus Christi photos, so I shall do my best to show at least some of them in the next few days.
We begin with the parish church of Santi Gervasio e Protasio in Valloria in the diocese of Albenga-Imperia in Italy. (A few thoughts following the photos.)
We begin with the parish church of Santi Gervasio e Protasio in Valloria in the diocese of Albenga-Imperia in Italy. (A few thoughts following the photos.)

The use of flowers as ornaments for the sacred liturgy is a subject which interests me, both positively insofar as they can bring added beauty and festivity into festal liturgies, but also for critical reasons insofar as they are quite often approached in a way which I personally find rather lacking (namely, the "more is better" approach which typically sees all manner of flowers crowded into a sanctuary, near or on the altar and so on; the result is rather chaotic and cluttered).
I wrote two separate articles on this very subject a few years ago. The first in 2007, Adorning God's Altar: Some Thoughts upon Floral Ornamentation on a Traditionally Oriented Altar. The second, in 2009: Seasonal and Festal Decoration of Altars and Sanctuaries.
The reason I mention this is because I was quite positively struck by the floral arrangements we see in these photos, which employ a nice, but restrained use of colour, while being further restrained in number -- excepting only the arrangement seen on the altar rail, which I think should have be done without.
Nicely done.
Solemn Pontifical Mass in Dublin Features Missa Papae Marcelli of Palestrina
As previously announced, yesterday, Monday, June 11th 2012, a Solemn Pontifical Mass was offered by the Archbishop of Ottawa, the Most Rev. Terrence Prendergast, in St Kevin's Church, Dublin as part of the 50th International Eucharistic Congress events taking place in that city.
The setting used for this Mass was the famed Missa Papae Marcelli of Palestrina. It was sung by the Lassus Scholars under the direction of Ite O'Donovan.
One of the most glorious pieces of that setting -- in my own estimation -- is the Kyrie. Here it is. (Unfortunately you will only get a very brief views of the liturgy itself at the beginning.)
The setting used for this Mass was the famed Missa Papae Marcelli of Palestrina. It was sung by the Lassus Scholars under the direction of Ite O'Donovan.
One of the most glorious pieces of that setting -- in my own estimation -- is the Kyrie. Here it is. (Unfortunately you will only get a very brief views of the liturgy itself at the beginning.)
Here, also, is the Gloria:
Pentecost in Rome
While Pentecost is now a couple of Sundays ago, I could not resist sharing this image of the vespers of Pentecost taken by Henri Adam de Villiers at the FSSP parish in Rome, Ss. Trinita.

And as a bonus, here are two images from the Solemn Mass of Pentecost from the same:

First Photos from the New Parish Church of the FSSP in Ottawa
As we have noted on here on a few occasions, the FSSP community in Ottawa was given the opportunity to relocate to one of the historic parishes in the city of Ottawa, St. Anne's. The following show some images from one of their first Masses in the new building, taken on Trinity Sunday.
As you will see, renovations have been undertaken within the church, so now the process will no doubt begin to restore the church to its historical integrity -- or at least closer to its historical integrity. Given the French-Canadian history of this parish, its interior at one time would have likely looked very much like what one might see in the old churches of Quebec.
As you will see, renovations have been undertaken within the church, so now the process will no doubt begin to restore the church to its historical integrity -- or at least closer to its historical integrity. Given the French-Canadian history of this parish, its interior at one time would have likely looked very much like what one might see in the old churches of Quebec.

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