St. Martin of Tours, Louisville, Kentucky
Recently, Fr. Paul Beach, JCL (the Judicial Vicar of the Archdiocese of Louisville) was installed by the Archbishop of Louisville, His Excellency Joseph E. Kurtz, as the pastor of St. Martin of Tours parish in Louisville, Kentucky.
St. Martin of Tours, we are told, has a reputation for liturgical and musical excellence and is also home to a weekly Mass in the usus antiquior.
For the installation of Fr. Beach, the bishop celebrated Mass in the Ordinary Form and was also present for the Mass offered in the Extraordinary Form. Here are a few photos from both Masses.
Ordinary Form
Usus Antiquior
More photos here.
St. Martin of Tours, we are told, has a reputation for liturgical and musical excellence and is also home to a weekly Mass in the usus antiquior.
For the installation of Fr. Beach, the bishop celebrated Mass in the Ordinary Form and was also present for the Mass offered in the Extraordinary Form. Here are a few photos from both Masses.
More photos here.
Monastère Sainte Marie de Lagarde
I came across the following images of Mass offered in the usus antiquior at the Monastère Sainte Marie de Lagarde which is located a few kilometers outside the French city of Agen.
The monastery of Sainte Marie de Lagarde was founded by eight Benedictine monks from the Abbey of Sainte-Madeleine du Barroux in 2002 with the assistance of Dom Gérard Calvet.
The monastery of Sainte Marie de Lagarde was founded by eight Benedictine monks from the Abbey of Sainte-Madeleine du Barroux in 2002 with the assistance of Dom Gérard Calvet.
Pontifical del Nuevo Arzobispo de San Francisco . Arzobispo de Louisville con la Misa tradicional .Confirmaciones en Brasil
Pontifical del Nuevo Arzobispo de San Francisco
El pasado 29 de julio, el nuevo Arzobispo electo de San Francisco (aún pendiente de tomar posesión de su diócesis) y anterior Obispo de Oakland, Monseñor Salvatore Cordileone, ha oficiado Santa Misa Pontifical en el faldistorio, con la Forma Extraordinaria del Rito Romano, en la clausura de la Conferencia Anual del Napa Institute, en Napa, California. Asistió en coro Monseñor Robert Morlino, Obispo de Madison.
Veritatem facientes in caritate
Arzobispo de Louisville con la Misa tradicional
El pasado 5 de agosto, el reverendo Paul Beach, Vicario Judicial de la Archidiócesis de Louisville, en Kentucky, Estados Unidos, fue nombrado párroco de la Parroquia de San Martín de Tours. Monseñor Joseph E. Kurtz, Arzobispo de Louisville, estuvo presente en la instalación del nuevo párroco, oficiando la Santa Misa, Novus Ordo, y asistiendo posteriormente en coro a la Santa Misa Vetus Ordo. La Forma Extraordinaria se celebra semanalmente en esta parroquia.
The Ultramonanist vía Catholicus
Con el Arzobispo de Louisville son ya 284 los cardenales y obispos que han oficiado o asistido a la Forma Extraordinaria desde la entrada en vigor del motu proprio Summorum Pontificum.
Confirmaciones en Brasil
El pasado 4 de agosto, Monseñor don Fernando Areas Rifán, Obispo de la Administración Apostólica San Juan María Vianney, confirió el sacramento de la Confirmación, por la Forma Extraordinaria del Rito Romano, a 23 de fieles en la iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Líbano (perteneciente al Obispado Maronita), en la ciudad de Sao Paulo, Brasil.
Las fotografías son de doña Juliana F. Ribeiro Lima.
Salvem a Liturgia!
Summer School / Latin Course: some firsts for Fr Hunwicke

It was a great privilege to have Fr John Hunwicke of the Ordinariate directing our Latin Course. He is a deeply experienced Latin teacher, having done three decades teaching Latin in Lancing College, and his wit and erudition was greatly appreciated by the students.

It is part of the point of having the Latin Course running alongside the Summer School for children that we can combine our resources in various ways, including liturgically. So the second Latin tutor, Br Richard Bailey of the Holy Name, Manchester, who is an extremely talented singer, joined our schola, and Fr Hunwicke celebrated Mass some days, and for most of the week made it possible for us to have Solemn Mass.

So it was in the Pugin chapel at the Franciscan Retreat Centre at Pantasaph, where the courses took place, that Fr Hunwicke said his first Missa Cantata following his recent ordination, and his first Solemn mass, on the feast of St Anne. In fact, he told us that he'd never done Missa Solemnis as an Anglican, and he was able to practice the role of subdeacon at four Masses in quick succession, with the expert guidance of the LMS Chaplain, Fr Andrew Southwell.

We asked him to give 'first blessings' (ie, of a newly ordained priest), after the Missa Cantata celebrated in Pantasaph, and again after the Solemn Mass we had in Holywell, when more people were present.

The Summer School, and LMS Latin Course, has now concluded, and my photographs are uploading. We had a lot of fun, and did a lot of work, with just under 30 children at the Summer School and fifteen adults on the Latin Course, plus staff. I was delighted that our half-price offer on the Latin course attracted one priest, one current seminarian, and a young man about to start seminary. In helping with their Latin education the Latin Mass Society is making a very clear contribution to the good of the Church.
This was our first use of the Franciscan Retreat Centre at Pantasaph. The Latin Course students and teachers were (mostly) accomodated at the St Winifride's Guest House in Holywell, which is next to the parish church and shrine, a five-minute drive from Pantasaph, where the Summer School students and (most of) the Summer School staff were. The Latin Course was taught at Pantasaph, and we all had Mass together. Fr Hunwicke's presence enabled us to have Solemn Mass five days in a row, from Tuesday to Saturday, with Fr Andrew Southwell, the St Catherine's Trust Chaplain, and Fr Thomas Crean OP, who also taught at the Summer School.
The photos above are of Fr Daniel Horgan, a priest of the Columban Fathers, who was a student at the Latin Course, celebrating Mass in the Lady Chapel at St Winifride's, Holywell.
Immediately above, and below, is Fr John Hunwicke, of the Ordinariate of Our Lady, celebrating Mass (at the same time as Fr Horgan) in the chapel of St Winifride. The statue above the altar is, of course, St Winifride, and the stained glass windowson either side show St James (Epistle side, with pilgrim's hat and shell), and St Philomena (Gospel side, with her anchor and arrow).
On Wednesday, the Feast of St James, we had a Solemn Mass in Holywell parish church and visited the Shrine of St Winifride, and venerated the relic. So this post is dedicated to photographs of Masses in that church, thanks to the hospitality of Fr Salvatore Massala and the Visitation Fathers who look after it.

Here we are in the shrine, the building containing the spring, venerating the relic of St Winifride.
It was a great privilege to have Fr John Hunwicke of the Ordinariate directing our Latin Course. He is a deeply experienced Latin teacher, having done three decades teaching Latin in Lancing College, and his wit and erudition was greatly appreciated by the students.
It is part of the point of having the Latin Course running alongside the Summer School for children that we can combine our resources in various ways, including liturgically. So the second Latin tutor, Br Richard Bailey of the Holy Name, Manchester, who is an extremely talented singer, joined our schola, and Fr Hunwicke celebrated Mass some days, and for most of the week made it possible for us to have Solemn Mass.
So it was in the Pugin chapel at the Franciscan Retreat Centre at Pantasaph, where the courses took place, that Fr Hunwicke said his first Missa Cantata following his recent ordination, and his first Solemn mass, on the feast of St Anne. In fact, he told us that he'd never done Missa Solemnis as an Anglican, and he was able to practice the role of subdeacon at four Masses in quick succession, with the expert guidance of the LMS Chaplain, Fr Andrew Southwell.
We asked him to give 'first blessings' (ie, of a newly ordained priest), after the Missa Cantata celebrated in Pantasaph, and again after the Solemn Mass we had in Holywell, when more people were present.
Summer School / Latin Course: Masses at Holywell
The Summer School, and LMS Latin Course, has now concluded, and my photographs are uploading. We had a lot of fun, and did a lot of work, with just under 30 children at the Summer School and fifteen adults on the Latin Course, plus staff. I was delighted that our half-price offer on the Latin course attracted one priest, one current seminarian, and a young man about to start seminary. In helping with their Latin education the Latin Mass Society is making a very clear contribution to the good of the Church.
This was our first use of the Franciscan Retreat Centre at Pantasaph. The Latin Course students and teachers were (mostly) accomodated at the St Winifride's Guest House in Holywell, which is next to the parish church and shrine, a five-minute drive from Pantasaph, where the Summer School students and (most of) the Summer School staff were. The Latin Course was taught at Pantasaph, and we all had Mass together. Fr Hunwicke's presence enabled us to have Solemn Mass five days in a row, from Tuesday to Saturday, with Fr Andrew Southwell, the St Catherine's Trust Chaplain, and Fr Thomas Crean OP, who also taught at the Summer School.
The photos above are of Fr Daniel Horgan, a priest of the Columban Fathers, who was a student at the Latin Course, celebrating Mass in the Lady Chapel at St Winifride's, Holywell.
Immediately above, and below, is Fr John Hunwicke, of the Ordinariate of Our Lady, celebrating Mass (at the same time as Fr Horgan) in the chapel of St Winifride. The statue above the altar is, of course, St Winifride, and the stained glass windowson either side show St James (Epistle side, with pilgrim's hat and shell), and St Philomena (Gospel side, with her anchor and arrow).
On Wednesday, the Feast of St James, we had a Solemn Mass in Holywell parish church and visited the Shrine of St Winifride, and venerated the relic. So this post is dedicated to photographs of Masses in that church, thanks to the hospitality of Fr Salvatore Massala and the Visitation Fathers who look after it.
Here we are in the shrine, the building containing the spring, venerating the relic of St Winifride.
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