Misa Prelaticia en Córdoba
El pasado 14 de septiembre, fiesta de la Exaltación de la Santa Cruz y quinto aniversario del motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, Monseñor don Demetrio Fernández González, Obispo de Córdoba, en España, ofició Santa Misa con la Forma Extraordinaria del Rito Romano, en la iglesia de Santa Ana, de las RR. MM. Carmelitas Descalzas.
El Obispo estuvo asistido por los reverendos don Raúl Olazábal y don Juan Manuel Rodríguez de la Rosa, sacerdotes del Instituto de Cristo Rey Sumo Sacerdote.
La Música sacra que acompañó a la ceremonia estuvo a cargo de la «Schola Gregoriana Iubilate Deo», de la asociación Una Voce Sevilla, dirigida por don Luis Sampedro, habiéndose contado asimismo con la participación del violinista don Jaime Calderón y del organista don Santiago Sampedro.
Felicitamos a nuestros hermanos de Una Voce Córdoba por el éxito de esta celebración.
Msgr. Fernando Arêas Rifan, Ordinary of the Personal Apostolic Administration of Saint John Mary Vianney, celebrated Pontifical Mass in the Extraordinary Form at the XVI National Eucharistic Congress of Brazil. Eight other bishops attended. The blog Fratres in unum has some images.

Ars Serviendi Workshop: Benedictine Abbot Celebrates Pontifical Mass in the Usus Antiquior in Poland
Abbot Bernard Sawicki O.S.B. (Abbot of Tyniec Abbey, Cracow) celebrated a Solemn Pontifical Mass during a liturgical workshop, "Ars serviendi", which was organized by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter as well as other groups within the Archdiocese of Cracow in Bukowina Tatrzanska.
During the couree of the week, approximately 50 participants participated daily in Solemn masses and, wonderfully, sung Vespers and Compline. They further heard conferences about the usus antiquior and learned how to serve at the altar according to that missal.
The following photos were sent in from the Pontifical Mass of the aforementioned Benedictine Abbot.

During the couree of the week, approximately 50 participants participated daily in Solemn masses and, wonderfully, sung Vespers and Compline. They further heard conferences about the usus antiquior and learned how to serve at the altar according to that missal.
The following photos were sent in from the Pontifical Mass of the aforementioned Benedictine Abbot.

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