Primera Misa, Novus Ordo, de un nuevo sacerdote el reverendo don Hélder Ruivo, celebrada el pasado 4 de mayo, en la Capilla del Colegio Nossa Senhora da Assunção, Famalicão, Anadia, Diocese de Aveiro, Portugal. Hermenéutica de la continuidad en la Liturgia: ornamentos, disposición del altar, comunión de rodillas, etc.
Un saludo a todos nuestros lectores de Portugal.
Fotografías de la celebración de la Santa Misa, Novus Ordo, presidida por el reverendo don Paulo Pires, y celebrada el pasado 14 de julio 2013 en Casal de São Brás, Portugal. Este sacerdote fue ordenado el 29 de junio para el Patriarcado de Lisboa.

The stunning beauty of the Traditional Latin Mass, where Calvary is made present before our very eyes. The Traditional Latin Mass is liturgy that points to this Mystery in every way possible. Jesus Christ glorified becomes really and truly present at the Mass — Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity — under the appearances of bread and wine..jpg)
The stunning beauty of the Traditional Latin Mass, where Calvary is made present before our very eyes.

The stunning beauty of the Traditional Latin Mass, where Calvary is made present before our very eyes. The Traditional Latin Mass is liturgy that points to this Mystery in every way possible. Jesus Christ glorified becomes really and truly present at the Mass — Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity — under the appearances of bread and wine.
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