segunda-feira, 26 de novembro de 2012

Santa Misa de Acción de Gracias en Detroit (Estados unidos) Ordenación subdiaconal con los Libros Litúrgicos tradicionales en Toulon (Francia). Santa Misa tradicional de Réquiem en Irlanda del Norte

Santa Misa de Acción de Gracias en Detroit (Estados unidos)

El P. Robert Slaton, que fue ordenado sacerdote en la Archidiócesis de Detroit (Estados Unidos) el pasado 29 de septiembre, solemnidad de San Miguel Arcángel, ofició la Santa Misa tradicional de Acción de Gracias el pasado 28 de octubre, en la iglesia de la Asunción de la Bienaventura Virgen María -Gruta de la Asunción- de Detroit, Michigan (Estados Unidos). El P. Aidan Logan, O.C.S.O. (Orden Cisterciense de la Estricta Observancia), sacerdote trapense visitante en la parroquia, le sirvió como asistente. Te Deum Laudamus!.

Ordenación subdiaconal con los Libros Litúrgicos tradicionales en Toulon (Francia)

El pasado domingo 11 de noviembre, S. E. Mons. Dominique Rey, obispo de Fréjus-Toulon (Francia), administró las Ordenes Menores de Exorcista, Acólito y ordenó Subdiáconos al Hermano Florent y al Hermano Matthieu, de los Misioneros de la Divina Misericordia, y a un seminarista de la diócesis. Misioneros de la Divina Misericordia.

Santa Misa tradicional de Réquiem en Irlanda del Norte

Fotos de la solemne Santa Misa de Réquiem, en la Forma Extraordinaria del Rito Romano, con absolución del catafalco, oficiada en la iglesia de Santa Teresa de Lisieux de Belfast, Irlanda del Norte (Reino Unido), el pasado 2 de noviembre, festividad de Todos los fieles difuntos. El oficiante fue el P. Martin Graham, asistido por el P. Damian McCaughan como diácono y el P. Brian McCann como subdiácono. La música corrió a cargo de la Schola Redemptoris. Latin Mass Belfast.

quarta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2012

Mass in the Private Chapel of Milton Manor House. Photos of the Solemn Pontifical Mass which was offered at Ss. Trinita in Rome on All Souls Day are now online here.

Mass in the Private Chapel of Milton Manor House

The blog of the Latin Mass Society shares some photos of an interesting Mass which took place in the private chapel of Milton Manor House, the manor of a recusant Catholic family.

The Mass was offered in the usus antiquior by Fr. Daniel Lloyd of the Ordinariate.

Here is an image of Milton Manor House which I found online:

Roman Views

It is a little past the time now, but I thought a number of readers would be interested to know that photos of the Solemn Pontifical Mass which was offered at Ss. Trinita in Rome on All Souls Day are now online here.

You can also see photos from Second Vespers of All Saints and First Vespers of All Souls here.

Finally, the Mass of All Saints Day is here.

segunda-feira, 19 de novembro de 2012

Solemn Mass at SS Gregory and Augustine's, Oxford. A splendid Mass - Pontificial High Mass with absolutions at the catafalque, celebrated by Bishop John Arnold and accompanied by the Westminster Cathedral Choir. The Society of St Hugh of Cluny and the First Spanish Heritage Pilgrimge

Heaven in ordinary, man well drest
Although George Herbert was committed to the Protestant religion, of which he was an ordained minister, his poem on prayer is still superb, and it seems applicable to the ancient Catholic liturgy. Obviously 'exalted Manna' is a reference to the Eucharist, and it seems reasonable to think of 'heaven in ordinary, man well drest' as an echo of the 'Sunday best' clothes we (clergy and laity alike) put on to participate in that liturgy which is eternal, indeed everyday and 'ordinary', in heaven.IMG_1647
You can't go wrong with the 'metaphysical' poets, of course, because every phrase a dozen meanings. Herbert was one of my own set texts at A Level, and he's stayed with me ever since.IMG_1679
Prayer the Churches banquet, Angels age,
Gods breath in man returning to his birth,
The soul in paraphrase, heart in pilgramage,
The Christian plummet sounding heav'n and earth;

Engine against th'Almightie, sinners towre,
Reversed thunder, Christ-side-piercing spear,
The six-daies world-transposing in an houre,
A kinde of tune, which all things heare and fear;

Softnesse, and peace, and joy, and love, and blisse,
Exalted Manna, gladnesse of the best,
Heaven in ordinarie, man well drest,
The milkie way, the bird of Paradise,

Church-bels beyond the starres heard, the souls bloud,
The land of spices; something understood.
Just another Solemn Mass at SS Gregory and Augustine's, Oxford, just another green Sunday After Pentecost. Just a plain old Chant Mass sung by the Schola Abelis, with the Offertory verses, Communion verses, and Mass IV. De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine! Out of the depths I cried to Thee, O Lord! But he has heard the voice of His Church: the church bells are heard beyond the stars, in heaven itself.

LMS Annual Requiem

A splendid Mass - Pontificial High Mass with absolutions at the catafalque, celebrated by Bishop John Arnold and accompanied by the Westminster Cathedral Choir.
I have acquired the ability to take photographs from two places at once, No, seriously, I took both of the last two myself - not with the same camera, of course. One of them I operated by remote control.IMG_1559IMG_0918
Bishop Arnold was (like all bishops celebrating Mass in the Old Rite) wearing a tunicle and a dalmatic under his chasuble, something which shows how the bishop's office incorporates the subdiaconate and the diaconate. He took these off in the sanctuary, and put on a cope, at the end of Mass, in order, first, to preach, and then to bless the catafalque.IMG_0928IMG_1596
Sharp eyed readers will see that Fr Armand de Malleray was Assistant Priest, Fr Patrick Haward deacon, and Fr Matthew Goddard FSSP subdeacon. Fr Simon Leworthy can be seen helping to distribute communion.IMG_1615More photos.

18 Nov

Yesterday members of the Society, readers of this blog and parishioners of St Mary Norwalk – a small but select group – came to the north reaches of Manhattan island to celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Providence, patroness of Puerto Rico, and to explore the Spanish cultural heritage. And what better place to do that than at the Hispanic Society of America, which houses perhaps the most magnificent collection of Iberian art in North America?

The mass took place in the nearby parish of St Catherine of Genoa. It marked the return of the Traditional Mass to this altar after many decades of absence. St Catherine of Genoa (itself an unusual dedication) features the unique feature of stained glass skylights celebrating the life of St. Catherine (above). The pastor of St Cathrine was a most gracious host.

Reverend Mr. Steve Genovese served as deacon; Fr. Richard Cipolla was subdeacon. Mr David Hughes led the schola. A mass by Guerrero was sung. Mr Hughes had to improvise the chant for the propers – solo- since none have been provided for this recently instituted feast.

Fr. Greg Markey, pastor of St. Mary’s, Norwalk, preached in Spanish.

After the mass and a quick lunch, the “pilgrims” headed over to the nearby Hispanic Society. A docent of the museum gave us a very professional review of the museum, its history and collections – especially the unique room devoted to the depictions of life in the various Spanish regions by Joaquin Sorolla. Above, most appropriately, is the Holy Week procession in Seville.

domingo, 18 de novembro de 2012

Solemn-High Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary . DIFUSÃO DA MISSA GREGORIANA NA POLÓNIA. Misa tradicional en Virginia

Solemn-High Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary .

Solemn-High Mass

Fr. Michael Mary, F.SS.R. was able to celebrate the community Solemn-High Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary on Sunday morning, with his two new Deacons, Br. Yousef Marie, F.SS.R. and Br. Magdala Maria, F.SS.R. Below are some photos:

Thanks be to God for this great day!


The Ordinands process to the chapel.
Br Yousef Marie, F.SS.R. and Br Magdala Maria, F.SS.R.

Br. Martin Mary, F.SS.R.

They carry their vestments on the left arm.

Fr. Michael Mary, as Archdeacon at the Throne.

The Minor Order of Porter.
They touch the key.

He opens and closes the church door.

He tolls the church bell.

The Minor Order of Lector.
He touches the Epistles.

The Ordination of Deacons.

They prostrate during the Litany of the Saints.

Br Yousef Marie is ordained a Deacon
when the Bishop imposes his right hand.

Br. Magdala Maria is ordained Deacon.

Reverend Brother Yousef Marie receives the deacon's stole.

Reverend Brother Magdala Maria receives the deacon's stole.

Over the stole is worn the dalmatic.

The dalmatic completes the Deacon's vestments.

Reverend Brother Yousef Marie as the Deacon
chants the Gospel of the Mass.

The Porters, Lectors and Deacons
after the Pontifical High Mass
celebrated by His Lordship
Bishop Fabian W. Bruskewitz,
Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Lincoln
The ordinations were held at the seminary
of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter,
Denton, Nebraska.


Polacy w Zgromadzeniu Franciszkanów Niepokalanej

Wielokrotnie pisaliśmy już na naszych łamach o Zgromadzeniu Franciszkanów Niepokalanej (2011, 2009, 2008). W 2008 roku przełożony tego zgromadzenia postanowił, że wszyscy jego kapłani powinni nauczyć się celebracji Mszy świętej w nadzwyczajnej formie rytu rzymskiego. Dzisiaj zgromadzenie używa obu form rytu rzymskiego preferując formę nadzwyczajną. Franciszkanie Niepokolanej nie podlegają jednak Papieskiej Komisji Ecclesia Dei a swój charyzmat opierają na duchowości franciszkańskiej, w szczególności na duchowości polskiego świętego - Maksymiliana Marii Kolbego. Jak sami mówią, nadzwyczajna forma rytu rzymskiego ma być dla nich środkiem podboju świata dla Niepokalanej.

Franciszkanie Niepokalanej podczas Mszy na Jasnej Górze (źródło: Biuro Prasowej Jasnej Góry)

Requiem w Gdańsku - fotorelacja

Msza, której oprawę przygotowało Gdańskie Środowisko Tradycji Katolickiej, została odprawiona 3 listopada br. w kolegiacie p.w. Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego w Gdańsku Wrzeszczu. Mszę celebrował ks. Rafał Dettlaff, funkcję diakona pełnił oraz kazanie wygłosił ks. Sławomir Skoblik. Funkcję subdiakona pełnił ks. Piotr Baranowski. Na Mszę licznie przybyli wierni. W skupieniu i modlitwie pomagała śpiewem Kapela Mariacka oraz Schola Liturgiczna Lux Cordis pod dyrekcją Joanny Orzeł oraz inne monodie i polifonie.

Wszystkich Świętych i Dzień Zaduszny w Instytucie Św. Filipa Neri
Prezentujemy kolejną fotorelację z uroczystych liturgii, które miały miejsce w berlińskim kościele św. Afry, w którym posługują kapłani z Instytutu Św. Filipa Neri.

Uroczystość Wszystkich Świętych:

Misa tradicional en Virginia

Celebración de la Santa Misa solemne con la Forma Extraordinaria del Rito Romano, en la iglesia de San Benito, en Chesapeake, Virginia, Estados Unidos, con ocasión del Día de los Veteranos, el pasado 12 de noviembre. Ofició el reverendo Kevin M. Cusick, asistido por el reverendo Neal Nichols, FSSP, como diácono, y por el seminarista Philip Gerard Johnson, como subdiácono. El Obispo, Monseñor DiLorenzo, dió permiso para que se celebrara Misa votiva del Espíritu Santo.